Super Hi-Tech Agro BIO-POTASH (50 KG)

Super Hi-Tech Agro BIO-POTASH (50 KG)

(Derived from MOLASSES)

Super Hi-Tech Agro BIO-POTASH

سپر ہائی ٹیک ایگرو بایو پوٹاش

Potash Specification :

  1. Moisture % minimum - 5%
  2. Water soluble potassium (as k2O)%. Minimum 14.5%

Super Hi-Tech Agro BIO-POTASH is an eco-friendly formulation of Potassium mobilizing bacteria Frateuria aurantia which colonizes in the rhizosphere and helps to mobilize the insoluble form of potassium. Potassium is the only essential plant nutrient which selflessly works for plant growth and enhances plant’s ability to resist diseases, pests attack, and withstand adverse weather conditions. Super Hi-Tech Agro BIO-POTASH is available in liquid and granular formulation.

The benefits associated with the use of Bio-Potash are :

  • Super Hi-Tech Agro BIO-POTASH is a potassium rich fertilizer.
  • It is correctly formulated and safe for all type of plants/crops, specially all types of apple crops.
  • It has longer shelf-life.
  • Helps in photosynthesis process in plants.
  • Improves the quality and prolong shelf-life of the crop produce, apple.
  • Supports to increase the plant growth and improves drought resistance quality of crops and fruits.
  • It activates many growth related enzymes of the plants.
  • It improves soil aeration and prevents leaching losses.
  • It improves water-retaining capability of the soil.
  • Super Hi-Tech Agro BIO-POTASH 14.5% Potash derived from Molasses Potassium encourages plants to adjust to dynamic weather conditions, strengthen stalks and absorb more nutrients. When potash is used on crops such as corn, apple wheat, paddy, cotton and vegetables, and all crops, it increases the quantity and quality of yield.
  • Along with increasing the fertility of the soil, it keeps moisture in the soil for a longer time.
  • It increases availability by providing mobility to potash and other elements.
  • Helps to increase plant growth and immunity.
  • Its use stops the fall of fruits and flowers.
  • Increases crop maturity, grain, fruit size and luster.
  • Produces proteins, enzymes, hormones and carbohydrates required for the plants.
  • It encourages early root development, impair pest, disease and frost resistance, improve soil health and soil fertility, secretes growth hormones to increase crop productivity. This reduces the dosage requirement of Potash (nearly by 40% - 50%), benefits the next crop due to its residual effect.
  • improving overall health, root strength, disease resistance, and yield rates, In addition, potash creates a better final product, improving the color, texture, and taste of apple, food or any fruit.

Note : dosage 25-50 kg / 8 Kanal (depends upon type of crop/age of apple trees  or as recommended)

* Suitable for all crops and compatible for use with other bio-fertilizers


Clients Speak

Mir Muzafar
Mir MuzafarFrom Kashmir

We have been using Super Hi-Tech Agro Tonic manure in our apple orchard and other fruit trees in Kashmir for the last five years. It promotes growth in young plants and improves the yield of fruits and vegetables. The plants look healthier and develop fruit colour naturally. We were amazed by the result. We continue to use it on our  farm, with confidence, as our only source of organic manure.

Talha Asif
Talha AsifFrom Kashmir

Dear Wani, I have been using Super Hi-Tech Agro Tonic for the last 3 years, on apple, almond, and wallnut. The results I have seen include much healthier tree, and increased yields. Thank you for your product. 

Manoj Salwani
Manoj SalwaniFrom Kashmir

Last year, a friend told me about the Super Hi-Tech Agro Tonic for my tomato plants. The results were incredible. Best tomatoes we have ever grown. I’ve even had strangers stop to ask what my secret is, and I tell them it’s no secret at all.. try Super Hi-Tech Agro Tonic. Thank you!

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