Super Hi-tech  Agro Tonic Granules (25 Kg)

Super Hi-tech Agro Tonic Granules (25 Kg)

An ideal combination of essential nutrients & natural for All crops, fruits, vegetables, horticulture & plantation crops.

Benefits of Super Hi-Tech Agro Tonic Dead Animal Manure

  • Super Hl-Tech Agro Tonic is an Eco-friendly, unique and special manure having moisture holding capacity. It improves soil health and thereby enhances germination rate.
  • Super Hl-Tech Agro Tonic improves the immunity of all kinds of plants and crops against various diseases. It also protects them from termites, harmful insects, rats and other rodents.
  • Super Hl-Tech Agro Tonic does not have any harmful effects on the soil and prevents leaching of other fertilizers/nutrients as well.
  • Use Super Hl-Tech Agro Tonic in all kinds of crops viz. cereals, pulses, fruits, vegetables and floriculture and get Best Results and increased production.
  • Super Hl-Tech Agro Tonic makes the soil live and healthy.
  • Super Hl-Tech Agro Tonic is useful for all kinds of vegetables, fruits, flowers and crops.
  • The use of Super Hl-Tech Agro Tonic makes the fruits colourful, shiny and juicy.
  • Super Hl-Tech Agro Tonic keeps plants lush green and healthy.
  • Nutrients Present in Super Hl-Tech Agro Tonic promotes good health in plants and gives you optimum yield both quantitatively and qualitatively.
  • Super Hl-Tech Agro Tonic reduces the falling of fruits and leads to their healthy and timely growth.
  • Super Hl-Tech Agro Tonic strengthens the root system and stem of the plants.
  • Super Hl-Tech Agro Tonic is suitable to all types of farms, orchards, terrace gardens and container - plants.
  • Super Hl-Tech Agro Tonic multiplies the yield and gives you maximum profits.
  • Super Hl-Tech Agro Tonic is one point solution to your plants' nutritional requirements. There is absolutely no need for use of any other harmful chemical along with it.
  • Super Hl-Tech Agro Tonic is easy to store and easy to use (Just store it in a shady place away from direct sunlight).

Use of Super Hi-tech agro tonic Manure in...

  • Garden Plants
  • Pots and Plants
  • Vegetable Kitchen gardening
  • Fruit Orchards
  • Lawns
  • Hanging Pots
  • Greenhouse
  • Farmhouse
  • Agriculture-organic Farming
  • Terrace Garden
  • Floriculture
  • Nursery plant Propagation/
  • Grafting/Plant Production
  • Horticulture

High tech Dosage

Normal density for
Apple, almond, pair, cherry, plum
Age wise
2- 5 years 1 kg
8-10 years 3 Kg
12- 15 years 4 Kg
20-25 years 6 Kg
High density/ ultra high density apple orchards
1-2 years 1 kg
3-5 years 2 kg
Any other all crops 20 kg per Kanal.

(Super Hi-Tech Agro Tonic Manure) Composition

Parameter Test Result
Moisture 15 - 20 %
Colour Dark brown
Particles size 95.30% material should pass through 4.0 mm IS sieve
Bulk density 1.0 g/mu3
Organic matter, % by weight min. 20 - 25%
PH. 6 - 7.5%
Nitrogen 2 - 5%
Phosphorus (p205) 3 - 4%
Potassium. (K20) 1 - 3%
Calcium (mg) 3 - 5%
Carbon 20 - 25%
Pathogen Absent


Clients Speak

Mir Muzafar
Mir MuzafarFrom Kashmir

We have been using Super Hi-Tech Agro Tonic manure in our apple orchard and other fruit trees in Kashmir for the last five years. It promotes growth in young plants and improves the yield of fruits and vegetables. The plants look healthier and develop fruit colour naturally. We were amazed by the result. We continue to use it on our  farm, with confidence, as our only source of organic manure.

Talha Asif
Talha AsifFrom Kashmir

Dear Wani, I have been using Super Hi-Tech Agro Tonic for the last 3 years, on apple, almond, and wallnut. The results I have seen include much healthier tree, and increased yields. Thank you for your product. 

Manoj Salwani
Manoj SalwaniFrom Kashmir

Last year, a friend told me about the Super Hi-Tech Agro Tonic for my tomato plants. The results were incredible. Best tomatoes we have ever grown. I’ve even had strangers stop to ask what my secret is, and I tell them it’s no secret at all.. try Super Hi-Tech Agro Tonic. Thank you!

Video Testimonial

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