Super Hi-Tech Agro PROM (50 KG)

Super Hi-Tech Agro PROM (50 KG)


Super Hi-Tech Agro PROM Phosphate Rich Organic Manure

سپر ہائی ٹیک ایگرو پروم فاسفیٹ سے بھرپور نامیاتی کھاد

First choice of progressive and wealthy farmers for high yield...


Benefits of PROM granulated

  • Slow Release fertilizer.
  • High yield and quality.
  • Supplies all nutrients.
  • Improves soil physical properties like soil structure and porosity.
  • Increases availability of nutrients in soil and plant.
  • CO2 is released during decomposition and helps to reduce alkalinity of soil.
  • Binds soil particles into aggregate porosity.
  • Increases infiltration and water holding capacity in the soil.
  • Reduces soil erosion through better soil structure.
  • Acts as buffering agents which helps to reduce damage from excessive acid, alkalinity of soil.
  • Helps to mitigate climate change.
  • Improves soil health and fertility.
  • Used information of amino acids, proteins and oils.
  • Stimulates activity of micro-organisms that makes plant food elements in the soil readily available for crops.
  • Increases shelf life.
  • Increases plant growth, soil enrichment, fruit quality, increases root system, increases soil organisms.
  • Provides micro-nutrients like cobalt, copper, zinc along with primary nutrients.
  • It improves electrical activity of soil.
  • It enhances the activity of beneficial micro organisms in soil.
  • IT also improves the germination of seeds and helps in root effective root development.
  • It also balances the soil PH.
  • It improves the resistance power of crops against various diseases.
  • It supplies phosphorus to the second crop planted in a treated area as efficiently as the first.
  • It improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil and increases the crop production.
  • It is a complete eco friendly product.
  • PROM is very effective as phosphatic fertilizer even in saline soils, where DAP completely failed.
  • Due to organic manure presence, leaching and runoff is preventive.
  • needs no chemical catalyst and does not consume any valuable chemicals.
  • Provides micro-nutrients like cobalt, copper, zinc along with primary nutrients.


Specification of Phosphate Rich Organic Manure (PROM)

S.NO Parameter Requirement
(i) Moisture per cent by weight, maximum 15 -25
(ii) Colour Brown to black
(iii) Bulk density 1.646
(iv) Total organic carbon, per cent by weight, 7.87
(v) Total nitrogen (as N) per cent by weight, 0.42
(vi) Total phosphates (as P2O5) per cent by 8.50
(vii) Total potash (as K2O) per cent by weight,
(viii) C:N ratio 18.73:1
(ix) pH 6.72
(x) Conductivity (as dSm-1) not more than 8.27
(xi) Particle size Not less than 90 per cent of the material shall pass through 4 mm IS Sieve
(xii) Heavy metals content (as mg/kg),  
  Arsenic (As2O3) 10.0
  Cadmium (as Cd) 5.0
  Chromium (as Cr) 50.0
  Copper (as Cu) 300.00
  Mercury (as Hg) 0.15
  Nickel (as Ni) 50.00
  Lead (as Pb) 100.0
  Zinc (as Zn) 100.0


USE OF Super Hi-Tech Agro PROM


  • Garden Plants
  • Pots and Plants
  • Vegetable Kitchen gardening
  • Fruit Orchards
  • Lawns
  • Hanging Pots
  • Greenhouse
  • Farmhouse
  • Agriculture-organic Farming
  • Terrace Garden
  • Floriculture
  • Horticulture
  • Nursery plant Propagation / Grafting / Plant Production


Clients Speak

Mir Muzafar
Mir MuzafarFrom Kashmir

We have been using Super Hi-Tech Agro Tonic manure in our apple orchard and other fruit trees in Kashmir for the last five years. It promotes growth in young plants and improves the yield of fruits and vegetables. The plants look healthier and develop fruit colour naturally. We were amazed by the result. We continue to use it on our  farm, with confidence, as our only source of organic manure.

Talha Asif
Talha AsifFrom Kashmir

Dear Wani, I have been using Super Hi-Tech Agro Tonic for the last 3 years, on apple, almond, and wallnut. The results I have seen include much healthier tree, and increased yields. Thank you for your product. 

Manoj Salwani
Manoj SalwaniFrom Kashmir

Last year, a friend told me about the Super Hi-Tech Agro Tonic for my tomato plants. The results were incredible. Best tomatoes we have ever grown. I’ve even had strangers stop to ask what my secret is, and I tell them it’s no secret at all.. try Super Hi-Tech Agro Tonic. Thank you!

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